Windows 10 21h2
Windows 10 21h2

windows 10 21h2 windows 10 21h2 windows 10 21h2

“In a hybrid work situation, users will now be able to keep their web traffic encrypted when connected to open networks or home networks,” Alan Meeus, a product manager for Windows 10, wrote in a blog post. Version 21H2 also supports Wi-Fi 6 with Wi-Fi Protected Access 3 Hash-to-Element protocol (WPA3 H2E) to provide better protection from Wi-Fi side-channel attacks that could steal Wi-Fi passwords and other sensitive information. For IT prosīeginning with security, Windows 10 21H2 sees changes to the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) VPN APIs, which includes the ability to implement common web-based authentication schemes and to reuse existing protocols. Windows 11, which will have its own tweaked servicing model - one feature upgrade annually with 36 months of support due to those running the Enterprise or Education SKUs - will replace the older Windows 10 as the repository of the new. The catalyst for the change to Windows 10 is its successor, Windows 11, which debuted Oct.

Windows 10 21h2